Winengan, Winengan (2021) Construction of fisherfolk community social network in Mataram city, West nusa tenggara. MASYARAKAT Jurnal Sosiologi, 26 (1). pp. 44-65. ISSN 2460-8165

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INDONESIA Artikel ini bermaksud untuk menguraikan konstruksi jaringan sosial sebagai tradisi solidaritas sosial ekonomi yang terpelihara dalam kehidupan komunitas nelayan tradisional. Tulisan ini bertolak dari argumentasi bahwa pembentukan jaringan sosial merupakan strategi nelayan memanfaatkan relasi sosial untuk tetap bertahan dalam menghadapi ketidakpastian penghasilan sebagai nelayan tradisional yang tinggal di Kota Mataram. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan jaringan sosial nelayan tradisonal di Ampenan Kota Mataram menjadi alternatif solusi terakhir bagi mereka dalam menghadapi dinamika kehidupan ekonomi dengan fluktuasi penghasilan mereka yang cenderung terbatas. Pembentukan jaringan sosialnya dilandasi dengan muatan kepentingan dan perasaan dan terpelihara secara stabil karena berlangsung secara terus menerus. Namun, keberadaan jaringan sosial ini hanya mampu menjadi alternatif solusi sesaat sehingga belum mampu membebaskan komunitas nelayan tradisonal dari tekanan kebutuhan ekonomi sehari-hari keluarganya seacara permanen. ENGLISH This article intends to describe the construction of social networks as a tradition of socioeconomic solidarity that is preserved in the life of traditional fishing communities. This article begins with the argument that the formation of social networks is a strategy for traditional fisherfolk to use social relations to survive in the face of income uncertainty. This paper shows that the existence of traditional fisherfolk social networks in Ampenan, Mataram City is the ultimate solution for them in dealing with the dynamics of economic life, with fluctuations in their limited income. The formation of social networks is based on the interests and feelings and is maintained in a stable manner, because it takes place continuously. However, the existence of this social network is only able to become a temporary alternative solution, so that it has not been able to permanently free the traditional fishing community from the pressures of their families’ daily economic needs.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: social networking, poverty, traditional fisherfolk, household
Subjects: 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0807 Library and Information Studies > 080709 Social and Community Informatics
17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1701 Psychology > 170113 Social and Community Psychology
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Agama > Jurusan Pemikiran Politik Islam
Depositing User: Raden . Jie
Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2022 15:33
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2022 07:10

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