Nikmatullah, Nikmatullah (2023) Misinterpretasi teks-teks keislaman dalam praktik kawin cina buta di Indonesia. Reflektika, 18 (2). pp. 282-311. ISSN 2580-4006

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ENGLISH This article discusses of kawin cina buta, also known as muhallil marriage or tahlil marriage in Lombok, which is based on a misinterpretation of the text of the Quran and the Prophet's hadith. Using a qualitative approach, data of this research obtained from interview to religious and traditional leaders and documentation related to the research theme. The article shows that kawin cina buta or Becina Buta or Nikah Tahlil or Nikah Muhallil is a local community's interpretation of Islamic teachings. In the Islamic context, it is forbidden for a husband and wife to divorce due to triple talaq to reconcile (remarry) unless the ex-wife married another man and then both divorced. In practice, muhallil marriages are engineered and there is an agreement between the ex-husband and Pilalang regarding wages, sexual relations and the duration of the marriage. Although accepted as a solution to marriage problems, this practice is controversial in Sasak society. Becina Buta is considered a social disgrace, so marriages, divorces and reconciliations are carried out behind closed doors, only involving certain people, and within a short time. This study confirms previous studies that nikah cina buta are rejected by religious leaders and traditional leaders because they conflict with religious regulations. A literal textual understanding of the text of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet has an impact on the practice of Becina Buta which is contrary to other hadiths regarding the prohibition of marriage that is dishonest, not serious and full of acting. Allah even cursed the perpetrators, both muhallil and muhallal lah. This marriage is a dulsa marriage, a marriage that is full of injustice, betrayal and deception, so it contradicts the purpose of marriage in Islam to create a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cina Buta Marriage, Misinterpretation of Islamic Texts, Muhallil, Nikah Dulsa
Subjects: 18 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 1801 Law > 180128 Islamic Family Law > 18012829 Islamic Family Issues & Local Tradition
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Agama > Jurusan Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Depositing User: mrs Nuraeni S.IPi
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2024 02:53
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2024 07:55

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