Huda, Miftahul (2010) Epistemologi tasawuf dalam pemikiran fiqh al-sya‘rânî. Ulumuna: Jurnal of Islamic Studies, 14 (2). pp. 249-270. ISSN (P) 1411-3457, (E) 2355-7648

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INDONESIA Epistemologi merupakan hal yang fundamental karena dari situlah legitimasi dari konsep-konsep hukum syariah bersumber. Di situ pula akar perdebatan tentang kebenaran hasil ijtihad yang sering diklaim secara eksklusif oleh kelompok-kelompok umat Islam sehingga berdampak buruk bagi hubungan dan solidaritas sosial di antara mereka. Fakta seperti itulah yang disaksikan alSya‘rânî sepanjang hayatnya. Sebagai faqih terkemuka, dia merasa terpanggil untuk memberikan alternatif solusi teoretik atas masalah ini demi kemaslahatan umat. Setelah melakukan kajian yang panjang, akhirnya dia berkesimpulan bahwa sesungguhnya semua klaim eksklusif tentang kebenaran dan superioritas system episteme tertentu adalah tidak memiliki argumen yang benar-benar meyakinkan, baik dalam tradisi keilmuan umat Islam maupun dalam perspektif sosiologis. Dalam tulisan ini konsep al-Sya‘rânî mengenai Epistemologi syariah dideskripsikan dalam empat pokok pemikirannya yaitu tentang; jalan yang sah menuju pengetahuan syariah, kasyf sebagai sumber pengetahuan, jalan menuju Kasyf serta mengenai posisi dan hubungan antara tradisi, rasio dan intuisi dalam konteks pembahasan tentang hukum Islam. ENGLISH In the study of Islamic law, epistemology constitutes a fundamental aspect of the law upon which the legitimate concept of the law is based. Epistemology becomes the root of debates regarding the truth of legal reasoning among Muslims who often made a truth clam about their own superior episteme. This causes discrepancies amongst them. This dispute was what al-Sya‘rânî found in his time. As a famous jurist, he sought to resolve it and offered a new theory of law. He contends that the arguments underlying the debates about the epistemology of Islamic law flawed. He wants to demonstrate that the arguments do not fit into the tradition of Islamic thought. This study examines al-Sya‘rânî’s thought in the epistemology of Islamic law. It discusses four issues: the valid path to the knowledge about shari’a, kashf as a source of knowledge, the path to the kashf, and the position and relation of reason, tradition and intuition in Islamic law.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: epistemologi; nalar tradisional; nalar rasional; nalar spiritual; syarî`ah; haqîqah.
Subjects: 22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2202 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields > 220208 History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2204 Religion and Religious Studies > 220403 Islamic Studies > 22040304 Fiqh, Ushul Fiqh, Islamic Jurisprudence, and related science
22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2204 Religion and Religious Studies > 220403 Islamic Studies > 22040305 Akhlaq, Tasawuf, and related science
Divisions: Program Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Hukum Keluarga Islam
Depositing User: Syahrul Gunawan Adita, S.E
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2023 04:25
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2023 04:25

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